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About Us

Welcome to the School of Great Commission! Our school is committed to creating awareness about the great commission among all churches and believers. We offer unique Christian education services that promote and educate about the great commission. Our vision is to create a community that is committed to spreading awareness about the great commission and increase engagement to achieve the mission. At SOGC School, we strive to be the greatest School of all Schools and learn from the greatest teacher of all teachers, the Master Guru, Jesus. Join us in our journey to expand the reach and impact of the great commission by increasing awareness and driving engagement.

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Response to the question:
Have you heard about The Great Commission?

The Barna Study

Matthew 28:18-20 is the most well-known biblical record of what is commonly referred to extra-biblically as “the Great Commission.” But despite the significance of these and other verses that call Christians to “go and make disciples of all nations,” a surprising proportion of churchgoing Christians in the U.S. are generally unaware of these famous words from Jesus.


In partnership with Seed Company, Barna conducted a study of the U.S. Church’s ideas about missions, social justice, Bible translation and other aspects of spreading the gospel around the world


When asked if they had previously “heard of the Great Commission,” half of U.S. churchgoers (51%) say they do not know this term. It would be reassuring to assume that the other half who know the term are also actually familiar with the passage known by this name, but that proportion is low (17%). Meanwhile, “the Great Commission” does ring a bell for one in four (25%), though they can’t remember what it is. Six percent of churchgoers are simply not sure whether they have heard this term “the Great Commission” before.

Importance of the Great Commission

  • It is the last commandment of Jesus.
  • Jesus commanded; Apostles practiced.
  • If we love him, we must obey Him.
  • It Is the mandate for every believer.
  • It is the mandate for every church.
  • We are saved by the Gospel.
  • We must share with others.
  • Jesus is the only answer.
  • Without Jesus, mankind is lost forever.

A Simple Approach:
The Four Field Strategy

for implementing the Great Commission (Mark 4:26-29)

EMPTY FIELD (Entry Plan)

Jesus said that a Farmer went out to sew his seed. So there’s a basic entry into an empty field. There’s work to be done. Like a blank canvas or the cursor blinking on a new Word doc. This is a representation that even though the harvest might be plentiful, the workers are few. So who will go? Where will you go? Where is our sphere of influence where we live, work, and play? The empty field represents our mission field. This is where God has called you. So throw seed generously.

SEEDED FIELD (Gospel Plan)

Once the farmer enters the field, he sows the seed generously. Anywhere and everywhere he can. This represents our mandate of sharing the Good News to all people. It’s a good reminder that we need to be committed to evangelism and training the ninety-nine to go after the one. Once he sows the seed. The seeds begin to sprout. Now, the farmer doesn’t cause the seed to sprout, but, when it does sprout, he can nurture it, water it, and care for it. The Gospel is taking root.

BUDDING FIELD (Discipleship  Plan)

Once he sows the seed. The seeds begin to sprout. Now, the farmer doesn’t cause the seed to sprout, but, when it does sprout, he can nurture it, water it, and care for it. The Gospel is taking root. This is well represented by the four types of soils that Jesus refers to. Rocks, Path, Weeds, Good Soil. When we’re spreading the Gospel, we don’t know the soil on which it lands for some time. But those that are receptive to it take root and grow. We’ve spent a lot of time as a network training our church planters to know and share the Kingdom Gospel and intentionally disciple them with reproducible tools. 

HARVEST FIELD (Church Formation Plan)

The harvest comes, the farmer puts the sickle to the harvest and gathers everything into bundles. This picture of the coming together of disciples is what the church should look like. There’s the often-quoted phrase in church planting that “If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.” It’s a true Biblical community where equipping and training happens so the saints can do the work of ministry. The farmer then takes some of the seeds from the harvest to be able to go back and sew the next season. And in so doing, he multiplies and facilitates continuous growth. This is the goal. 

The Strategy


Make  the church aware 



Help the church understand and implement



Teach how to train others

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